Top 5 Stretches for Pelvic Pain

**BONUS! All of these stretches are great for mild low back pain too!**


Child’s Pose

Find table top position, bring your big toes together and knees wide. Sink back toward your heels, stretch your arms out in front of you and bring your forehead to the floor. Breath into the stretch for 3 breaths and repeat 3x.


Child’s Pose Option

Option to reach arms to each side for a deep side body stretch.



Find table top position. Inhale, soften your belly to the floor and gently look up. Thank about bringing your heart forward and your tailbone to the ceiling.


Cat-Cow pt 2

Exhale, tuck your tailbone, and arch your back up to the ceiling; push your arms into the floor to push your chest away. Repeat the cycle 10x.


Hip Flexor Stretch

Start in a half kneeling with the forward foot in line with the knee and the back knee in line with the hip. Gently shift your hips forward without overarching your back. You should feel the stretch in the front of the hip of the back leg. Hold for 45-60 seconds and repeat on the other side 3x.


Adductor Stretch Option

Option to shift forward foot out at 45 and/or 90 degree angles for adductor stretching. Perform the same hold or shift in and out of the stretch 10x and repeat on the other side.


Piriformis Stretch

Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Place your right ankle over your left knee; reach both hands to your right knee and draw it toward your left shoulder. Hold for 45-60 seconds and repeat on the other side 3x.


Piriformis Stretch Option

Option to reach both hands behind the left thigh and draw the knee into your chest.


Happy Baby

Lay on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Bring your knees into your chest with your feet up to the ceiling, hook your hands on the outside of your feet and gently pull your knees deeper. Focus on keeping your tailbone towards the ground. Hold for 45-60 seconds and repeat 3x.

!! This is in no way medical advice. If you continue to have pain or limitations, please seek out hands-on assistance from your local physical therapist. Lucky for you, Lauren is local and ready to assist. !!